Intructions to authors
- International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
publishes manuscripts with a basic and applied emphasis, involving both theoretical
and experimental areas which contribute to the advancement of Clinical and Health Psychology. The Journal
publishes Original Articles (empirical studies), Review Articles,
Brief Reports, Case Reports, and Book Reviews. On exception the Journal publishes articles
on science evaluation.
- The manuscripts submitted to International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology should
not have been previously published, and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
All signing authors must agree on the submitted version of the manuscript. By submitting their
manuscript the authors agree to relinquish their copyrights to the Journal for the duration of
the editorial process. Copyrights will be transferred permanently to International Journal of
Clinical and Health Psychology if the manuscript is accepted for publication.
- Original Articles and Review Articles should not exceed 6000 words (including title,
abstract, references, figures, tables, and appendices), Brief Reports and Case Reports
should not exceed 2000 words, and Book Reviews a maximum of 1000 words. The manuscripts
can be written in English, double spaced, and printed one-sided with 3 cm margins with
page numbers on the right at the top of each page. On exception the Journal will publish articles in Spanish.
The first page of the manuscript
should include the title in both English and Spanish, complete name(s) of all the authors,
institutional affiliation, and a complete mailing address (including
an E-mail address) to send any correspondence. Any acknowledgements will be added in a separate paragraph
at the bottom of the first page. The second
page should include the title, an abstract (150-200 words) and the keywords (4-5), in both
Spanish and English. The last keyword should identify the type of research methodology according to
the classification by Montero and León (2007): theoretical study,
observational descriptive study, descriptive survey study, experiment, quasi-experiment,
ex post facto study, single case experimental study, instrumental study and qualitative
study [Montero, I., & León, O.G. [2007]. A guide for naming research studies in Psychology.
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 7, 847-862] (this article is
available at
). The third page should begin with
the manuscript title followed by the introduction. Figures and tables should appear on a separate pages and be
numbered consecutively at the end of the text, indicating
their approximate location in the text.
- Original Articles should use the following headings: introduction, method (sample,
instruments, procedure…), results, discussion/conclusions, and references. The writing
style should follow the recommendations made by Bobenrieth Astete (2002), Ramos-Alvarez,
Moreno-Fernández, Valdés-Conroy, Catena (2008) and Hartley (2012).
- Bobenrieth Astete (2002). Normas para revisión de artículos originales en
Ciencias de la Salud. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology,
2, 509-523.
- Ramos-Alvarez, M.M., Moreno-Fernández, M.M., Valdés-Conroy, B., & Catena,
A. (2008). Criteria of the peer-review process for publication of experimental
and quasi-experimental research in Psychology: A guide for creating research papers.
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 8, 751-764.
- Hartley, J. (2012). New ways of making academic articles easier to read. International Journal
of Clinical and Health Psychology, 12, 143-160. (See
Instrumental studies should follow the guidelines established by Carretero-Dios and Pérez (2005, 2007):
justification of the study, conceptual definition of the construct to be assessed, process of item construction
and qualitative assessment, item analysis, internal structure of the test, reliability, and validity.
- Carretero-Dios, H., & Pérez, C. (2005). Normas para el desarrollo y revisión de estudios
instrumentales. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 5, 521-551.
- Carretero-Dios, H., & Pérez, C. (2007). Standards for the development and the review
of instrumental studies: Considerations about test selection in psychological research.
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 7, 863-882.
Meta-analyses should follow the recommendations elaborated by Botella and Gambara (2006).
Review articles should follow the norms elaborated by Fernández-Ríos and Buela-Casal (2009), and Perestelo-Pérez (2013).
Program evaluations should follow the structure established by Chacón Moscoso, Sanduvete Chaves, Portell Vidal, and Anguera Argilaga (2013).
- Chacón Moscoso, S., Sanduvete Chaves, S, Portell Vidal, M., & Anguera Argilaga,
M.T. (2013). Reporting a program evaluation: Needs, program plan, intervention, and
decisions. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 13, 58-66.
Clinical cases should follow the structure established by Buela-Casal and Sierra (2002), and Virués-Ortega and Moreno-Rodríguez (2008).
- Buela-Casal, G., & Sierra, J.C. (2002). Normas para la redacción de casos clínicos.
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 2, 525-532.
- Virués-Ortega, J., & Moreno-Rodríguez, R. (2008). Guidelines for clinical case reports
in behavioral clinical Psychology. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology,
8, 765-777. (See
Neuropsychological assessments should follow the structure established by Jurado and Pueyo (2012).
Book reviews should have the following structure: subject, origin of the publication,
author(s), structure of the work, to whom it is directed to and personal judgment.
- 5. For all other style concerns not specified here, the authors are refereed to the forth
edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (1994). Manuscripts
not strictly following the current guide to authors and the APA publication manual will not be entered
into the review process. Authors will be prompted to make the necessary changes. If the revised manuscript
still does not comply with these standards, the article will be rejected and will not be reconsidered.
Non-compliance with APA or the journal standards may prompt the rejection of the article at any stage of
the editorial process. Citations within the text include the author’s name and the year of publication,
appearing both within parenthesis.
When the author’s name forms part of the text, only the year of publication appears within
parenthesis. Two or more continuous references should be arranged alphabetically by authors’ names.
When there are more than two or less than six authors, all authors should be listed in the first
citation. In subsequent citations, the name of the first author should be followed by et al.
For six or more authors, the first author should always appear, followed by et al. If there are
more than one article for the same author(s) during the same year, each year should be followed by
the letters a, b, c, ... To enter the review process, the article should be updated including at
least 40% of references from the last four years.
- The list of references should appear in alphabetical order and should include all the cited
publications in the text, including all the authors (independently of their number).
This list should have the following format:
- Books: author (last name followed by a comma and the initials followed each by a
period; various authors are separated by a comma and a comma is placed before the “&”);
year (within parenthesis) followed by a period; full title in italics followed by a period;
city and edition followed by a colon; publisher.
- Chapter of a book: author (last name, a comma and the given and middle name initials, a period;
if there are various authors, they should be separated by a comma with an “&” preceding
the last author); year (within parentheses) and a period; title of the chapter; “In”; name
of the compilers of the book, using the author’s initials and last name; the abbreviation
“Ed.”(s) in parentheses followed by a comma; title of the book in italics; the first and
the last page of the chapter within parenthesis, preceded by the abbreviation “pp.” and a period;
city where the book was published followed by a colon; publishing house and a period.
- Journals: author (last name, a comma and initials of the first and middle name and a period; if there are
various authors, they should be separated by commas with an “&” preceding the last author);
year (within parentheses) and a period; title of the article followed by a period; the journal’s
complete name in italics and followed by a comma; volume number (without appearing the expression
“volume” or “vol.”) followed by a comma; first and last page of the article and a period.
- For electronic documents: author (last name, a comma and the initials of the name and a period;
if there are various authors, they should be separated by commas with an “&” preceding the last author);
year (within parentheses) and a period; the title of the document and a period; the date of retrieving
preceded by “retrieved” and a comma; the website preceded by “from” and a period.
- In the case of any existing doubt(s), consult the APA publication manual (1994).
- The electronic version of the manuscript (in Word) should be submitted to:
- International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology will notify the author(s)
when the manuscript is received and inform them whether the paper is accepted within 60 days since the
reception of the transference of copyright. At least two members of the Editorial Board (peer reviewers),
with special competence in the represented area, will review each submitted manuscript and will send a report
to the Journal suggesting or denying the manuscript’s publication. The authors should make all the changes
solicited by the reviewers within 30 days. The positive evaluation of a manuscript by the reviewers will not
guarantee its publication as the decision will be made by the editor as a function of the editorial priorities
of the moment. A copy of the article in PDF format as well as a copy of the issue in which it appears will be
sent to the first author Some of the associated production cost will be paid by the authors
(30 Euros per published page).
- The opinions and contents of the manuscript published in the International Journal of Clinical
and Health Psychology are under exclusive responsibility of the author(s) and therefore they
will be responsible for obtaining copyright permission for reproducing the material published in
other copyrighted material.
- Authors will communicate with the editorial office exclusively by email.
This document last updated on: 1th January, 2014