International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 2012, 12, 23-37

Is it bad to have secrets? Cognitive preoccupation as a toxic element of secrecy
Joyce Maas (Radboud University Nijmegen and Behavioural Science Institute, The Netherlands), Andreas A.J. Wismeijer (Tilburg University, The Netherlands), Marcel A.L.M. Van Assen (Tilburg University, The Netherlands), and Annelies E.A.M. Aquarius (TweeSteden Hospital, The Netherlands)

Is it bad to have secrets? Cognitive preoccupation as a toxic element of secrecy Descargar artículo completo en formato PDF.


Palabras Clave:
Secretos. Bienestar. Preocupación cognitiva. SIDA/VIH. Estudio ex post facto.

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- Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC)
© International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology.