Francisco Esteves holds a PhD
in Clinical Psychology from Uppsala University,
Sweden (1994). He is Full Professor of
Psychology at Mid Sweden University, Östersund,
Sweden, and Visiting Professor at ISCTE-
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal. He
is currently the Head of the Department of
Psychology and Social Work at Mid Sweden
University, and coordinator of the Master
Program in Emotion Psychology.
His main research interests have been the study
of emotional processing, and the relationship
between cognitive and emotional components of
human information processing. In particular, the
study of psychophysiological responses related
to different emotions and the study of
attentional bias related to the processing of
anxiety and fear stimuli.
processes and intervention in mental health
An important challenge in
research in clinical psychology and mental
health is to relate the study of basic
psychological processes to effective
interventions to alleviate human suffering.
In this symposium, we will start with two
experimental talks, the first about
attentional bias to slim bodies showed by
female participants with body
dissatisfaction, and the second on memory
processing of traumatic events in different
modalities. The third presentation will
consider the development of methodologies to
assess mental health among immigrants in
Sweden. The final two presentations will
focus on the designing and testing of
psychological interventions. First,
regarding distress related to traumatic
experiences, and the last will present a
recovery program for burnout patients.